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This work is a somewhat abridged and improved version of our previous book,
"THE KHAZARS,Tribe 13," 2008.
Title: "Hebrew Warriors"
Sub-Title: "The Khazars."
Author: Yair Davidiy
Pages: 218
Price: $30 (for the time being only), price includes postage and handling anywhere in the world.
The Khazars were related to the Picts of Scotland and to other groups who settled in Scandinavia, France, and the British Isles.
Proofs concerning the Israelite origins of the Khazars of necessity also does the same for the nations they were of kinship with.
The Khazars were descended from a mixture of remnants of the Ten Tribes, Jewish refugees whose religious affiliation had blurred, and Gentile descendants of Gomer. A movement to return to Judaism began among them. Due to the uncertainty of their lineages the Rabbis declared them all Gentiles and then converted them to Judaism as the Bible and Tradition allowed them to do.
Descendants of the Khazars may still be found among some Jewish communities but only as a minority element and indistinguishable from other Jews.
Nevertheless, it is both important and of interest to know more about them.
The Khazars are symbolic of the Israelite People in general. It should be worth our while to be aware of this.
That is what this book is for.
Explanation of the Cover.
The picture of the flower at the top is an adaptation of the Tudor Rose. This is still one of the official symbols of the United Kingdom.
According to the Zohar this symbol is also representative of the Tribes of Israel. Brit-Am, Union of Judah and Israel, Movement of the Ten Tribes uses this symbol as representative of itself. The Yellow Star of David was a badge imposed upon the Jews by the Nazis and their helpers.
Paradoxically it is a sign of honor for they who were forced to wear it. The bagpipes symbolizes Scotland.
Part of the Scottish people descend from the Agathyrsi who were a branch of the Khazars.
About the Author:
Yair Davidiy was born in Australia.Yair has had an interest in Jewish and General History, the Lost Ten Tribes, the Khazars, and related matters for much of his life. The last several decades have been spent in intensive research in this and related fields. The results have been partly encapsulated in the work before you.
"Hebrew Nations" may be purchased by PayPal or by Snail Mail.
The book is well worth the price and the money may well help Brit-Am survive.
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